





俀 幚廗愭傊偺攝晅帒椏

Individual Plan for Island Health and Nursing Practicum

Kyoko Misoko


1. To learn about distinctive features of Guam, Saipan and Tinian from living situations of inhabitants and patients in HC; and to learn the differences and common features between these region and Japan.
2. To learn the health problems and nurses roles in supporting healthy life of Guam people, by seeing the nurses乫 activities including home visit nursing.
3. To learn especially about prescription, education and self management of medicine.


1. Guam
1) To learn about health and Nursing situation, basic nursing education and continuing education in Guam.
2) To learn about nurses乫 roles by knowing the roles and functions of health centers in Guam and Guam Memorial Hospital, nurses乫 activities and education for nurses.
2. Saipan/Tinian
1) To learn about nurses乫 roles and problems working in islands by knowing about health problems and characteristics of Saipan and NMI.
2) Focus on management of medicine intake; learn about prescription of medicine in health center and patient education of taking medicine, self-management of medicine in home.


1. Guam
1) University of Guam:
(1)Programs focused on nursing in little islands(practicum and seminar in little islands and research about little island.
(2)Continuing education programs for nurses.
(3)Relationships with the nurses in Saipan, Tinian and other little islands
Exchange and educational programs for them
2) Guam Central Public Health and Social Services/Guam Memorial Hospital
(1)Education of nurses and research by nurses in the facilities.
(2)The roles of nurses (nursing activities, the way of prescription and patient education about medicine, nursing role to pharmacy in facilities and out of facilities )
(3)Situation of patients in the region, and its problems should be solved (e.g. patient transition from little islands for medical treatment)

2. Saipan
Commonwealth Health Center
1) Information about distinctive features and inhabitants health problems in Saipan and NMI. Focus on elderly who are living alone, handicapped people and poor people.
2) Roles of HC in accepting patients from little islands.
Functions of HC and roles of nursing profession in HC(through attending to nurses乫 activity)
Rules of short time administration and rules of patient transition from other islands to Guam
Ways of medicine prescription and patient education for medication by a pharmacist, and nurses乫 role in medication.
3) Home visit nursing, and DOTS home care by HC.
4) Education for nurses in HC; telecommunication system and mobile health clinic system, practicum of nursing students and student exchange program in the region.

3. Tinian
1) Information about distinctive features and inhabitants health problems in Tinian, especially focusing on elderly who are living alone, handicapped people and poor people.
2) Roles of HC in accepting patients from little islands.
Functions of HC and roles of nursing profession in HC(through attending to nurses乫 activity)
Rules of short time administration and rules of patient transition from other islands to Guam
Ways of medicine prescription and patient education for medication by a pharmacist, and nurses乫 role in medication.
3) Home visit nursing
Roles of visiting nurse in HC, and patients乫 strength and tasks in their life, by interviewing nurses and attending on home visit nursing. To understand how the patient manages his medication and find out his problems in taking medicine.
4) Continuing education programs for nurse provided by Saipan HC and by Guam HC.
To know the way dealing with the absence of MD or nurses




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